Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dean Markley 8823 Super V Light Electric Guitar Strings

Beginning with an idea suggested by longtime Dean Markley Strings endorser George Lynch, the string winders and designers at Markley have come up with a new string with a decidedly old school soundSuper V (Super Vintage) Strings. Super V strings utilize a special formula Nickel and Steel alloy, as well as customized core-to-wrap ratios to create a string like no other in the Markley catalog. Lynch says, Dean Markley Super-V strings offer a very unique alloy composition with just the right amount of core-to-wrap tension. This unequaled manufacturing process makes a huge difference in how effortlessly we translate our ideas into musical reality. For players who want more power & punch with a Vintage tone. A special 48% Iron/52% Nickel alloy produces a much stronger magnetic output for electric guitar pickups. The result is a louder output with incredible sustain. Super V is a string with Power and Tone that rivals the finest Vintage Strings.

There are many businesses catering to customers who are looking for a specific product found only in a small niche market. Unfortunately, there are not nearly enough to supply consumers with all the products they are looking for. This is especially true for the music loving consumer market. Do you have a certain style of genre of music that really speaks to you? Most people do! Although the larger retailers keep the 'general public' supplied with music from the latest popular singers, there is a large market of music that is unavailable to the 'average-Joe' consumer.

Find and gather up recordings in various formats of all of the singers and musicians of your favorite genre and make them available to the public. Use a searchable database and list the name, format (vinyl record, CD, audio tape, DVD), and price of the recordings along with historical information such as the rarity of the recording and maybe information on the background of the singer and his influences. You should also be able to provide a sample of the musical piece or performance for your customer to listen to. This will help them to remember how fond they are of the musician or that particular recording and will help them jog their memory of other recordings that they were searching for. This will also come in handy when introducing them to recordings that they were previously unfamiliar with!

2) Video CD: The Lost Videos. Value: $39.00

To attract people to your website, you may want to begin by first selling your musical treasures on a website such as Yahoo or by using an eBay storefront. Once people realize that you have what they are looking for, they will also want to visit your main website store to find an even larger selection of the same type of music.

5) Business Start Up Power Pack CD containing 9 business plans you can implement now. Value $67.00

Music is powerful! For most people, music stirs up strong emotions and deep seated, long forgotten memories. If you can provide your customers with music that they cannot find elsewhere, you will accumulate a large customer base with a strong loyalty with your business.

1) Audio CD: How to Make Money Selling Hot Niche Info Products You Can Get for Free. Value: $47.00

The best way to get started is to begin with your favorite style of music. Do you love jazz and the sultry torch singers of bygone eras? Do you have a hankering to hear the synthesized techno beat of music from the late eighties? Are you a sucker for French accordion polka music? Maybe you really love Celtic rhythms with a heavy emphasis on mythological storytelling! Whatever your real love is, start with that. If it has been difficult for you to find a piece of music, then it has certainly been difficult for your potential customer to find as well!

3) Audio CD: Success Secrets Revealed. Value: $39.98

4) Video CD: How To Find Red Hot Impulse Buyers and How You Can Make Money Showing Them where to find the Solution They Desperately Desire. Value: $49.00

Have you ever had a song going around and around in your head that you just can't place? You can remember some of the words and the period of your life that it came from, but no matter where you look, you just can't seem to find a recording of it. There is nothing more frustrating than searching for a piece of music you cannot find! This is where you come in! You will create a website where you will make very specific types of music available to people who would otherwise be unable to find it to buy.

To encourage further sales, you can also make suggestions to your customers on music that they might enjoy. For instance, "If you like singers A and B, you will likely really appreciate the music of singer C." Then provide them with an easy link to click on to take them to a sample of that recording.

Theme Music

5 home business CD's for just one penny! And I'll ship them to you free...

Revolutionary Qrs Midi Controller An Article From Music Trades

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